Managing Teacher Permissions for Courses

With Oncord, you're able to restrict or give permission to teachers for both group (collective) and private courses. Teachers will be able to act upon these permissions within the Teacher Portal.

The teacher permissions you set in the configuration for both collective and private courses are the default permissions used for all courses that you create in the system.

To find the teacher permission settings in the configuration go to Courses > Configuration

They can be found in two locations within the configuration:
Collective Course Configuration
Private Course Configuration

Within each of these areas, go to the Teacher Portal tab.

Here you will find the permission settings for the 'Assigned Teacher' and for the 'Administering Teacher' (if your Alliance has one). If you do not have an administering teacher, then you don't need to use those settings.

Overriding the permissions on a specific course

If you have different teaching rules for a specific class, an admin can override the default teacher permissions on that specific course via the Course > Teacher Portal tab.

Tick the 'Override Default Permissions' box and the permission settings will appear. 

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