Creating Private Course Packages

Private courses are sold as 'Packages' of hours. You can set how many hours and students in the course package and set the price.

In this article:

Creating Private Course Packages.
Creating Categories for Private Course Packages (if required)
How Private Courses look on your website.

To get started go to Private Courses > Configuration > Private Course Packages.

Click on 'New Package' in the top toolbar.

Set a name. We recommend setting this to something that makes it easy to identify in the list of Private Course Packages which package it is, such as, 5 hours 1 Student or 10 hours 2 Students.

Assign an Age Group (leave unticked if the package applies to any age group).

Set how many students.

Set the total hours of the package.
If for multiple students, the number of hours you add here does not change. e.g. If a package is for 5 hours of private classes for two students, add 5 hours to the package.

Set the price.
If the package is for multiple students, set the price to the total price for all students. e.g. If a package is for 2 students and the price for 1 student is $500, the total price to add to the package price would be $1,000.

Select which locations the package is available for and the class/unit duration option/s for each location.

Set the location/s you allow the student/s to have their private classes, at your Alliance, Online/Remote via Zoom, Google Meet etc. or Outside the Alliance at their home or a local place like a café or library.

For each location you allow the private classes to take place, add the class/unit duration. 
The duration options must be dividable by the number of hours for the package. e.g. a package of 5 hours can't have a class/unit duration of 2 hours.

Note: Additional duration boxes will appear automatically once you add a duration (as you can see in the screenshot) you do not have to fill these in as it will just keep adding more boxes. 

You can lock the Private Course Package to be purchasable by members only. If its a new student that is not yet a member, the membership options will display on the ordering page for the student to select from and buy at the same time as they buy the private course package.

If you have a private course package that you don't want visible on the public website, that only admins will use for creating private courses manually, such as, corporate private classes. You can tick the offline box.

Assign which terms and conditions to display.

Private Course Package Categories

If you have a lot of private course package options, it can be helpful to create categories to sort these packages into types, such as, Number of Students (1 on 1, 2 on 1, small group), Type of Student (Individual, School, Work/Corporate).

Note: Creating categories for private courses is not necessary if you only offer a few package options.

You can create new categories for your Private Course Packages via Private Courses > Configuration > Private Course Packages > Categories (in top toolbar) > New Category.

Add a category title.
You can also add a description for the category to explain in further detail what/who those private course packages are for.
Click Save Category.

How do private packages look on my website?  

By default, Oncord has a system page for ordering private course packages called 'Order a Course Package'. This page is where students can order your private tuition packages through the website. To access this page add /af/order-private-course/ to your site URL. Example:

If you have 12 or more packages, students will be able to filter the packages by choosing options such as Age Group, Course Type, Number of Students, Hours and Categories (if you have categories setup).

If you only have a few package options, no filter appears on the page (as per the screenshot below).

Visit the above link to view a demo of this 'Order a Course Package' page.

Once students select a private package they will be directed to the order form. This form allows them to specify their level, expectations (what they want to get out of the private lessons), preferred start date, preferred schedule for classes (day and time) and location.

This information helps you have an idea of which teacher may be suitable and when to schedule their classes.

If membership is required and the student/contact is not yet a member the membership products will display for them to select from and add to their order.

Accepting terms and conditions and payment is taken at the bottom of the form. (students/contacts do not go through the standard checkout when ordering private course packages)

View a demo of the private course package ordering page:

Book a demo with us to find out more

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